Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snufkin and Alicia at Desucon Frostbite 2013

I tried to write an entry from Desucon Frostbite, but it seems that there is too many diversions at the moment to actually finish it. Like new manga, reference pictures and embroidery to name a few.  I noticed that the first batch of photos was released from Frostbite, so here is photos from the costumes we wore on Saturday.

Big thanks and best wishes to Frostbite's photobooth crew!


  1. As if anyone could ever get enough of Snufkin :)) You guys do such an amazing job. Well, *job* :))Although, one thing that always bothered me, about his outfit - it looks completely fresh and new. You should kinda try to age it up a little. Roll it around in a buckett of rocks or something. He's a traveler. Clothes get worn out super fast if you travel on foot. Believe me. ;)

    1. Thank you very much! You are right about the aging. We have actually planned it... for nearly five years! Seems like we never got that far. But it's definitely on our improvement list!

  2. Amazing! Snufkin is the best character of Moomins!
    I love your stuff... you should get a prize for your costumes ;)

  3. omg I saw you there <333 you're amazing! btw, how did you make that hat? D:

    1. Thank you! :) Snufkin's hat was commissioned, but here is how I made my hat for Snufkin's father, Joxter: http://casualtycosplay.blogspot.fi/2010/08/tutorial-kind-of-felt-hat.html
